Even as wisdom often comes from the mouths of babes, so does it often come from the mouths of old people.

wisdom experience

“Even as wisdom often comes from the mouths of babes, so does it often come from the mouths of old people. The golden rule is to test everything in the light of reason and experience, no matter from where it comes.”
~ Mahatma Gandhi

They say,“Experience is a hard teacher, it gives tests first and lessons afterwards .” Doesn’t it ring a bell somewhere in the back of our minds! Is it not to avoid those harsh and ruthless experiences of life that we go out to seek wisdom from other people! Don’t we do that with an intention of keeping struggles at bay!

As I go through this quote by Mahatma Gandhi I think of all the situations when I have either ran to other people for their suggestions or when people have come to me so as to ward off some of their wisdom on me.

People always try to advise their younger whether being asked for it or not as they think of it as their responsibility. They do that with a noble intention of preventing them from making mistakes. But by preventing them from making mistakes, are they not also preventing them from learning far more important and greater lessons and experiences of life and thus in turn, halting their personal growth!
wisdom experience

At college, I used to had a Botany Professor, who always used to say, “A child is never wrong”. It is only today that I have understood what he really meant by that. I have come to realize the meaning of this one simple sentence. What he means by that sentence is not simply that a child cannot be wrong, instead, he implies that if a child out of his innocence makes a mistake then that child has the strength and capability to learn from that mistake and move ahead. He through this sentence is simply trying to encourage us to take our own decisions no matter correct or incorrect. He wants us to know that it is okay to make mistakes, learn from them far greater and worthy lessons of life and move ahead.
wisdom experience
It doesn’t imply that people shouldn’t seek wisdom from others instead suggestions and inputs should be welcomed and should be pondered upon but shouldn’t be depended upon. Instead everything should be tested in the light of reason and experience, no matter from where it comes.
So next time, do not be scared of a fall if it comes your way. Lessons learnt the harder way are way more important and are never forgotten. What we all need are not only someone’s wisdom but that insightful mind that is not afraid of taking chances.

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